Saturday, March 31, 2018
این بار وزارت اطلاعات با نقاب برادر چشمانتظار!-از: حسین نعمت اللهی
در ایامی به سر میبریم که از جرقه اشتیاق مردم برای تغییر بنیادی رژیم آخوندی، حریق برخاسته و قیام سراسری ارتش بیکاران، محرومان، غارت شدگان، گرسنگان و سرکوب شدگان با راه و رسم مجاهدین در تاروپود تمامیت این رژیم؛ لرزه سرنگونی انداخته است. ولیفقیه مفلوک ارتجاع هم به صحنه آمده و مدعی شنیدن «صدای انقلاب» شده و اعتراف میکند که در شکلگیری قیام یک مثلث فعال بوده که رأس آن مجاهدین بودند. در این ایام نفسگیر برای رژیم رو به زوال، دستوپا زدنهای وزارت اطلاعات
قصد رژیم آخوندی برای تعطیلی و جابجایی زندان اوین
به گفته یک عضو مجلس آخوندی، حکومت آخوندی قصد دارد که در سال ۹۷ زندان اوین را که اکنون به محلی برای حمایت از مقاومت زندانیان تبدیل شده است، تعطیل کند.
کاظمی، رئیس کمیسیون قضایی مجلس رژیم گفت: زندان اوین دیگر گنجایش محکومان را ندارد و باید هر چه سریع تر جابجا شود. زندان اوین ملک مرغوبی بوده و دارای قیمت بالایی است بنابراین با فروش آن می توان مکان مناسبی را در خارج از شهر ساخت و زندانیان را به آن منتقل کرد.
وی با این حال گفت: چاره اندیشی برای ساخت زندان های جدید در شهرستان ها را واجب تر از انتقال زندان اوین است و نظام به شدت نیازمند ساخت زندان های جدیدی در شهرستانهاست.
این عضو مجلس رژیم همچنین اعلام این که زندانهای در سراسر کشور به خارج از شهرها منتقل خواهند شد گفت: با توجه به افزایش آمار زندانیان مساحت کافی برای پذیرش زندانیان وجود نداشته و ساختمان های فعلی جوابگو نیست بنابراین می طلبد جابهجایی و انتقال زندان ها و همچنین ساخت زندان های جدید در خارج از شهرها در دستور کار قرار گیرد.
قیام ایران-شماره 125: ادامه تظاهرات و اعتصاب محرومان در شهرهاي مختلف كشور
در روزهاي هفتم و هشتم فروردین ماه علاوه بر تظاهرات هزاران تن از مردم اهواز در اعتراض به برنامه های توهينآمیز تلويزيون حکومتی به هموطنان عرب، دیگر شهرهای میهن نیز شاهد اعتراضات قشرهای به جان آمده از ستم و سرکوب فاشیسم دینی حاکم بر
تبعات بین المللی علیه موشک پراکنی های خامنه ای
با نزدیک شدن به موعد ضرب العجل از سوی ایالات متحده مبنی بر تعین تکلیف برجام و احتمال خروج این کشور از توافق نامه اتمی، دیکتاتوری زهر خورده خامنه ای که تمامی امید و آروزهای حاکمیت را بر اسب بازنده ای بنام «توافق وین» شرط بندی کرده است، در اقدامی کاملا تدافعی و قابل پیش بینی، دست به شلیک هشت موشک از طرق یمن به سوی ریاض زد.
فقر نسبی یا فقر مطلق؛ کدام یک چالش اصلی در پیشاروی نظام هستند؟
فقر نسبی یا فقر مطلق چالشهایی در برابر نظام هستند که بیش از پیش خود را در قیام دی ۹۶ به عنوان فراهم کنندهی بستر اجتماعی قیام نشان دادند.
طبقهای که مرفهتر میشوند
فقر یا نابرابری؟ جامعه ایران از کدام یک از این دو پدیده رنج میبرد؟ آیا در اساس میتوان بین آن دو تفاوتی قائل شد؟ یا یکی زمینهساز دیگریست؟
ولیعهد سعودی: فشار به ایران مانع رویارویی نظامی میشود
دبی-العربیه.نت فارسی
شاهزاده محمد بنسلمان، ولیعهد سعودی، از جامعه جهانی خواست با اعمال فشارهای سیاسی و اقتصادی علیه ایران، مانع رویارویی نظامی در منطقه شود.
ولیعهد سعودی که در آمریکا به سر میبرد، در گفتوگو با روزنامه «وال استریت ژورنال» (The Wall Street ournal) اظهار داشت که اعمال تحریمها، فشار زیادی را علیه رژیم ایران، وارد خواهد کرد.
ولیعهد سعودی که در آمریکا به سر میبرد، در گفتوگو با روزنامه «وال استریت ژورنال» (The Wall Street ournal) اظهار داشت که اعمال تحریمها، فشار زیادی را علیه رژیم ایران، وارد خواهد کرد.
فرانسه: ایران حوثیها را مسلح میکند
دبی-العربیه.نت فارسی
جان ایو لودریان، وزیر امور خارجه فرانسه روز پنجشنبه 29 مارس 2018 گفت که ایران حوثیها را مسلح میکند.وزیر خارجه فرانسه در مصاحبهای با تلویزیون «آر.تی.ال» گفت:«مشکل بزرگی که در یمن است عدم وجود یم راه حل سیاسی
است به همین دلیل کشور سعودی خود را در معرض تهدید موشکهای حوثیها که ایران به آنها داده است میبیند».
دیدگاه| روش بولتون از خطر جنگ کم کرده و مشوق اشتیاق مردم ایران برای تغییر است
یادداشتی در وبسایت روزنامه هیل از ایوان ساشا شیهن، مدیراجرایی دانشکده امور عمومی و بین الملل دانشگاه بالتیمور
منتقدان رویکرد جان بولتون، مشاور امنیت ملی جدید پرزیدنت ترامپ، در برابر ایران این نکته را فراموش کرده اند: تهران پیشاپیش با غرب در جنگ است و به تنهایی مسئول دامن زدن به خشونت در یمن، عراق و سوریه بوده است. منافع امنیت ملی آمریکا پیشتر خدشه دار شده است.
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
Iran: Slain Dervish Mohammad Raji Buried Under Security Supervision
On March 5, the body of Mohammad Raji, a Gonabadi Dervish who was killed during interrogations in prison, was nightly buried with the presence of his family and under the supervision of intelligence agents in a cemetery in Aligoudarz.
This is while authorities did not keep their promise of releasing his son for the funeral despite his family having paid a 26,700-dollar bail. His son was detained with other Dervishes during the Golestan Haftom protests for the release of a fellow Dervish from prison.
It’s Time For The United States To Lead In Condemning A Long-Neglected Crime In Iran
The latest session of the United Nations Human Rights Council began this week and, unfortunately, it has been preceded by a very poor decision. The schedule of speakers includes Alireza Avayi. Despite holding the title of Justice Minister in the Islamic Republic of Iran, Avayi is himself an egregious violator of human rights. He has been sanctioned by the European Union for a number of reasons, but undoubtedly the worst incident on his record is his role in the mass execution of political prisoners in 1988.
End the silence on Iran’s human rights abuses before the current crackdown worsens
The nationwide protests in Iran, which began on December 28 in Mashhad, gave voice to the economic frustration of ordinary Iranians, but quickly expanded to slogans like “death to [President] Rouhani”, “death to the dictator”, and “reformists, conservatives: the game is over.” In short, the protesters were demanding democratic change in Iran.
To no one’s surprise, Iranian authorities responded violently, with at least 8,000 arrests and upwards of 50 deaths. The predictability of the suppression should have prepared Western policymakers to respond appropriately and effectively.
Despite such brutality, the protests have continued. Earlier this week
Giuliani: Support the Iranian People and Sanction the Regime
NCRI Staff
NCRI - Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani urged the US Government and the international community to impose further sanctions on the Iranian Regime and to stand with the Iranian people who are crying out for freedom and democracy in Iran.
Giuliani made these comments at a National Press Club luncheon in Washington, DC on Thursday, March 1, entitled “Iran Uprising: Call for Regime Change, U.S. Policy Options”. It was the fourth in a series of forums on Iran policy sponsored by the Organization of Iranian-American Communities (OIAC-US).
Giuliani also took the opportunity to praise the Iranian people for their popular anti-regime uprising and to praise the US administration for backing the protesters.
He said: “I am very, very glad that at the very outset back in December … President’s public support of anti-regime protesters, which riveted 142 cities in Iran
The clerical regime’s Foreign Ministry on Friday reacted to the UN Secretary-General's report on human rights violations in Iran and the massacre of the political prisoners in 1988. Foreign Ministry spokesman, Bahram Qasemi, appeared on TV network, tried to identify the sources mentioned by Antonio Guterres report prepared for the ongoing meeting of the UN Human Rights Council meeting,
as "invalid and worthless." He added that the report is based on "unreliable, false and completely invalid sources" and is politically-motivated.
In regard to Iran's visit by the French Foreign Minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian's, there were contradictory comments in Iran’s state-run media. Some media, affiliated to the Rouhani’s faction wrote that the negotiations with Europe could be a practical experience to get out of isolation and accused the warmonger tribunes of the hardliners of blocking the ways to the economic development.
Whilst the rivals from Khamenei’s faction pointed to the French Foreign Minister's visit, as a fiddle to run the negotiations for the next JCPOA (Iran nuclear deal) which would be another chalice of poison.
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
Maryam Rajavi and the Plan for Women’s Rights in Iran
There are ten areas that Maryam Rajavi and the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) see as in need of improvement in terms of gender equality in Iran.
Let’s explore those ten areas and how Maryam Rajavi would tackle them in more detail.
1. Fundamental freedoms and rights
1. Fundamental freedoms and rights
Maryam Rajavi believes that women should have the same human rights and fundamental freedoms as men and vows to ban any type of discrimination against women, in order to ensure that women are equal to men in all economic, social and political spheres.
2. Legal Equality
Maryam Rajavi believes that women and men should have equal protection under the law. Thus, she would:
• raise of the criminal age of responsibility for girls in Iran to 18
• make courts recognize that testimonies and affidavits from women hold equal weight to those from men
• guarantee women’s access to the police and the courts in cases of violence, rape and sexual assault, discrimination, and deprivation of liberty
by Poorang Novak
It should be no secret that the president-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), Maryam Rajavi, wishes for the future Iranian government to be completely separate from religion in Iran.
Indeed, Maryam Rajavi has given many speeches advocating for an Iran that would religion out of government- in complete contrast to the theocratic Regime, who use the religion to oppress the Iranian people.
Maryam Rajavi shares this viewpoint with the entire of the Iranian Resistance forces in the NCRI, which serves as the parliament in exile.
Why do Maryam Rajavi and the NCRI believe in separation of religion and state?
Iran Human Rights Monitor, Monthly Report – February 2018
Iran Human Rights Monitor – Monthly Report
February 2018
Systematic violation of human rights continued in February with 16 executions, crackdown on religious minorities, arresting of civil activists, incessant pressure on political prisoners and flogging.
On Wednesday, January 24, 2018, two women political prisoners of Evin –Atena Daemi and Golrokh Iraee—were beaten up and banished to the notorious women’s Qarchak Prison, in Varamin, Tehran Province.
Protesting the illegal transfer, the two staged a hunger strike on February 3.
On the morning of Saturday, February 10, 2018, they turned their wet hunger strike into dry, as they had already vowed. Both stopped their dry hunger strike after six days but Golrokh Iraee announced that she will continue her wet hunger strike until her demands are met.
Since February 1, the two are held in horrible conditions in a small, dark room in Qarchak Prison while they are denied having telephone contacts or family visits.
Iran: Shinabad girls complain about their treatment
Girl students of Shinabad’s elementary school who became victims of fire five years ago are dissatisfied with their treatment and complain of the symptoms of numerous surgeries and anesthesia.
All of the girls complain about the process of treatment, undelivered promises, insults, and disrespect by some officials, lack of facilities and equipment which has led to the drying of their finger joints, undelivered promise of buying hospital equipment for them, etc.
Iran Regime's Judiciary to Intimidate Protesting Workers: "Our Patience Is Limited"
NCRI Staff
NCRI - The Iranian regime’s head of the judiciary in Khuzestan province claimed that the gathering and guild protests of the workers of National Steel Industrial Group of Iran “do not comply with the law” and added: “Our patience is limited and if the gatherings persist, we have to deal with them”.
Farhad Afsharnia, in an interview with the state-run ISNA news agency, said that if the workers wanted the officials to hear their voice and say that there were problems with this company, this has happened and the “continued protests are not right”.
Without claiming the right of workers and their living conditions, he argued: “A company can pay the staff and workers their salaries only when they have produced.”
Iranian People's Tolerance Towards the Ruling Regime Is Running Out
NCRI Staff
NCRI - You could barely find a single day on which state officials or media are not warning over Iranian people’s losing patience with the ruling regime.
Sadegh Zibakalam, a university lecturer close to Rouhani says “many say that it’s no use trying to put the regime right as the system is incapable of being improved. I keep being criticized and attacked by many, accusing me of attempting to prevent the regime from being collapsed.”
State-run EtemadOnline website on February 27, 2018, reports on the problems and sufferings of poverty-stricken people who are fed up with the regime, writing “today, my fellow citizens are cheerless. They’re discontent, tired and full of complaints. It looks like a
Iran: Continued Strikes of Workers and Protests by Other Deprived Classes
The strikes and protests of the workers, employees and various strata of the people continued on Sunday, March 4, in different cities across the country:
1. Workers of all sections of the Haft Tapeh sugar cane company, including agriculture, factory, equipment, services, and engineering and support, stopped working in protest to non-payment of their demands and gathered in the company's premises. Derakhshani, the factory manager, tried to prevent workers from shutting down the various parts of the factory, but he failed.
Iran Uprising: Call for Regime Change, U.S. Policy Options
Mayor Giuliani: MEK always sought democracy, freedom, rights for women, rights for everyone, and a nonnuclear, peaceful Iran
Iran’s tech meddling, now on the App Store
The recent downing over Syria of an Iranian drone that turned out to have been modeled on captured U.S. technology confirmed what intelligence services and their partners have been saying for years: Iran is actively stealing western technological know-how and fashioning tools of repression and terror.
A new report this month by the National Council of Resistance to Iran (NCRI) makes a sensational new claim that apps offered on Google Play and Apple’s App Store are being co-opted, mimicked or otherwise misappropriated by Iranian intelligence services to monitor the activities of their people and to export malware for cyber attacks against the
Who is the Iranian opposition, seeking regime change?
Donald Trump will be urged to demonstrate America's commitment to regime change in Iran by making a direct appeal to the Iranian people who are still involved in nationwide protests across the country. A senior US Congressman Dana Rohrabacher said in a meeting with leaders of the Iranian Resistance in Paris to discuss how the US can tangibly support to Iranian citizens wanting to overthrow the "weakened regime."
Former New York Mayer Rudy Giuliani said at a conference held at the Washington Press Club on February 28th: "we have legit, strong, Democratic alternative in Iran, Maryam_Rajavi. We should give them recognition!
What Comes After French FM's Iran Visit
Monday’s Tehran visit by French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian is startling a wide variety of responses, especially from inside Iran.
Kayhan daily, known as the mouthpiece of Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, ran a piece titled “French Foreign Minister heading to Tehran with a JCPOA-2 hat,” using the acronym for the Iran nuclear deal, Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action while describing Paris’ efforts to impose further setbacks upon Iran’s regime.
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