Wednesday, January 24, 2018

1000 معقل للعصيان

بقلم: مهدي عقبائي
ضمان استمرارية انتصار الانتفاضة
إن انتفاضة الشعب الإيراني التي انعكست عدم الرضا الشعبي عن الفقر والبطالة والغلاء الناجم عن التجاوزات المتزايدة على سبل العيش والحياة اليومية للشعب الايراني، سرعان ما اظهرت طابعها السياسي والثوري ورفضها التام لنظام الولي الفقيه بأسره.
وبشعارات “الموت لخامنئي،و الموت لروحاني” و “استحوا ايها الملالي واتركوا هذه البلاد”
تم استهدفت رأس النظام وحطمت هذه الشعارات كامل اركان الطغيان الديني في جميع أنحاء الوطن المحتل من قبل الملالي.

انتفاضة إيران رقم 52 حملات الاعتقال التعسفية في عموم إيران والدعوة إلى الافراج الفوري عن المعتقلين

اعتقلت القوات القمعية في غولبايغان ثلاثة أشقاء، وهم محمد وفاضل الله وهادي نيكبخت، بعد مداهمة منزلهم ونقلتهم إلى مكان مجهول. وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، ألقت قوات الأمن القبض على ما لايقل عن ستة آخرين من شباب غولبايغان.
كما وفي الوقت نفسه تم نقل العشرات من المعتقلين في الأيام الأخيرة في أسد آباد وتويسركان إلى السجن المركزي في همدان. وقد اتهمهم قضاء الملالي بـ «المحاربة» و«الفساد على الأرض».
وفي تحول آخر يوم الأحد

مريم رجوي في اجتماع في مقرّ المقاومة الإيرانية في باريس: الفاشية الدينة تخاف من انتفاضة الشعب الإيراني،يقوم بتصدير الحروب إلى بلدان المنطقة

استقبلت السيدة مريم رجوي رئيسة جمهورية المقاومة الإيرانية مجموعة من أعضاء مجالس البلديات الفرنسية وعمداء المدن والمؤيدين للمقاومة الإيرانية في مدن ضاحية باريس الشمالية.

الإيرانيون يواصلون وقفتهم الاحتجاجية ضد نظام القمع والاستبداد

احتشد جمع من أهالي رباط كريم في طهران السبت 20 يناير للاحتجاج على الغلاء  ورد عليهم الأمن بالدهس بسيارتهم بهدف خلق الرعب والتخويف وتفريق المواطنين. وهي تلك الطريقة الإجرامية التي نفذها النظام في مدينة الأحواز خلال الأيام الأولى من الانتفاضة حيث دهس المجرومون المواطنين بالشاحنات.
وفي اليوم نفسه بالأحواز نظم مزارعون ممن نهبت أراضيهم من قبل

تظاهرات إيران كشفت الوجه الحقيقي لروحاني

قالت مؤسسة ميدل إيست فورم الأميركية في تقرير لها الأحد إن من نتائج الاحتجاجات الأخيرة في #إيران أنها كشفت عن الوجه الحقيقي للرئيس حسن #روحاني الذي وصل للحكم بفضل دعم الإصلاحيين والشباب المطالبين بالحرية في إيران.
وأضاف التقریر: "علينا أن ننتظر ونرى ما إذا كانت الاحتجاجات الأخيرة في إيران بداية لحقبة جديدة من عملية طويلة للمعارضة العامة ضد حكم البلاد، أم أنها انفجار مؤقت بسبب عدم الرضا، تليها فترة الهدوء النسبي.. وعلى أية حال، هذه الأحداث يجب

آلاف المواطنين في «اقليد» بمحافظة فارس يشيعون الشهيد ابراهيم رسولي المقتول برصاص قوات الحرس

وري الثرى جثمان البطل «سيد ابراهيم رسولي»
الابن البار لأهالي «اقليد» بمحافظة فارس يوم الأحد 21 يناير بمشاركة آلاف من أبناء المدينة. واستشهد ابراهيم رسولي الذي كان مشهورا لدى أهالي المدينة بالمروءة والخلق الطيب ومساعدة الفقراء يوم 18 يناير خلال مداهمة عناصر قوى الأمن الداخلي على منزله. انه قام بالدفاع عن نفسه ببندقية صيد أمام هجوم عناصر قوى الأمن على منزله. واثر هذا الاشتباك الذي استغرق 10 ساعات، فسقط هذا البطل الشجاع أخيرا اثر رصاص عناصر الحرس.

مدلول خطاب خامنئي

 سيد أحمد غزالي - رئيس وزراء الجزائر سابقًا ورئيس اللجنة العربية الإسلامية للدفاع عن سكّان «أشرف»

بعد انتفاضة شعبية عمّت أرجاء إيران جاء آية الله خامنئي إلى الساحة ليقول كلمته في هذا الشأن، خصوصاً أن الشعارات المحورية في هذه المظاهرات كانت تستهدف شخصه بشدة قاسية، حيث إنه هو الآمر والناهي، وهو «العقل المدبّر» لنظام ولاية الفقيه، فمن المهمّ معرفة ما قال في هذا الخطاب الذي دون أدنى شكّ كان محصّلة مواقف نظامه حيال الشعب المنتفض.

Iran: Women teachers in Yazd protest 10 months of not being paid

A group of men and women working as teachers staged a protest outside the Governor’s Office in the capital of the central Iranian province of Yazd, on Monday, January 22, 2018.
The teachers have not been paid their meager monthly salaries of 700,000 toumans ($190) for ten months.
Women teachers of Iran staged a nationwide protest on the World Teachers Day in October.

Iran: Instead of receiving support, Ping Pong champion is told to quit

A young woman, a member of Iran’s national Ping Pong team, Mahshid Ashtari, says the Education Department told her to concentrate on her studies instead of doing sports.
In an interview with ISNA news agency, Ms. Ashtari said, “Both the Education Department and the Department of Sports and Youths in Razavi Khorassan refused to give me any support

Iran: New information on six women arrested in the uprising

At least seven Kurdish women have been arrested in the first two weeks of January in the cities of Orumiyeh, Kermanshah, and Ilam in western Iran.
The names of the arrested women are: Sara Jamshidi, Laleh Aghaii and Nazdar Amir Mohammadi from Ilam; Shahla Vahdatpour and Touran Mehraban

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

ANALYSIS: What lies ahead for Iran’s simmering fire of protests?

Heshmat Alavi, Special to Al Arabiya EnglishMonday, 22 January 2018


By INU Staff
INU - Could the current regime of Iran annihilate the MEK / PMOI? Or the MEK / PMOI together with protesters will be victories?
The recent uprising in Iran which began on December 28 late last year, has sent shockwaves around the world, including the current debates among Iran policy circles in the United States.
Many policy experts, analysts, and commentators now view and describe the uprising as “watershed”, or “landmark event” or a “tuning point” in the period since 1979.

Iran Regime’s Weakness and Its Fear From Pmoi/Mek Exposed During the Uprising

Iran Focus
London, 18 Jan - At the beginning of 2018, Citing Iran's "state television", AFP reported that while making a clear allusion to the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK), Rouhani told President Macron, "We criticize the fact that a group has a base in France and acts against the Iranian people and encourages violence. We expect the French government to act against this terrorist group ".
These remarks reflected above all the anxiety of the mullahs' regime in the face of the expansion of the uprising against the religious dictatorship and the growing popularity of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK).and the Iranian Resistance. Rouhani accused the MEK of violence, while the European Union, its member countries, as well as the United States, strongly criticized the Iranian regime for the repression of demonstrations, killing and seriously injuring many people and President Macron has expressed concern on the death of the protestors. To date

Burning Khamenei’s Image; Protests by Plundered People and Poor Kurdish Porters

Iran Uprising-No. 50
1. On Saturday, January 20, several people from Robat Karim (Tehran Province) protested against high prices. The protesters, a major part of whom were women, chanted slogans against the regime.
In order to intimidate and disperse the crowd, the law enforcement criminal agents ran over by a car a lady who was protesting against plundering her deposits. The same criminal method was carried out in Ahwaz during the first days of the uprising during

Why Khamenei Finally Broke His Deadly Silence Against the Mek/ Pmoi and Ncri?

by Jubin Katiraie
After a fatal and long-lasting muteness, Khamenei spoke on the thirteenth day of the uprising and showed his panic and fear over the people’s fury, with an inverse tone, he reiterated the fact that the Iranian Resistance and the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) are the alternatives to his regime.
Khamenei stated: the MEK "had been ready since months ago ... since several months ago (they were ready) to organize, and meet this person and that one; and to select some


INU - On Friday, January19th, 2018 in a Paris conference, “Regime Change in Iran” was echoed by distinguished speakers, featuring Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, Mr. Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the US House of Representatives, and Senator Robert Torricelli.
Mrs. Maryam Rajavi extolled the Iranian people’s magnificent 

Conference on Regime Change and 1000 Centre of Rebellions Through Iran

Iran Focus
London, 20 Jan - Paris Friday, January 19, 2018: A conference was held, entitled, “Change in Iran with 1000 Ashrafs (1000 centre of rebellions through Iran)”, featuring the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, Mr. Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the US House of Representatives, and Senator Robert Torricelli, also a group of representatives of Iranian communities in Europe spoke of their personal experience while in Iran.

‘They’re hiding from reality’ Top US lawmaker SAVAGES European countries over Iran protest

Angry demonstrations over unemployment and food prices in the Middle Eastern country quickly spiralled last month, with marchers calling for the collapse of the ruling Islamic regime.
But while US President Donald Trump threw his weight behind the protestors, saying he had such “respect” for them, most European leaders didn’t immediately comment on the widespread protests.
French President Emmanuel Macron even accused Trump of putting the United States on a “path to war” with Iran over his comments.

Rajavi urges UN, International Community to assist detainees of Iran uprising

A conference was held on Friday, January 19, 2018, entitled, “Change in Iran with 1000 Ashrafs”, featuring Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, Mr. Newt Gingrich, forme


In a gathering for the New Year, Sunday, January 21, Maryam Rajavi met with a group of the elected representatives of the people of France, French supporters of the Iranian Resistance, and a number of residents of Auvers-Sur-Oise and other cities. 
In remarks to this gathering, she extended her New Year greetings and said:
Elected representatives of the people of France, ladies and gentlemen, dear friends,
Once again, we have gathered to

Maryam Rajavi: U.N. & Security Council's History Page on Iran Turned by the Protesters

Iran Focus
London, 6 Jan - If you persist, the world will stand with you and on your side.
Ending the silence on Iran and shattering a 4-decade-old barrier of appeasement of the regime, the UN Security Council’s meeting on Iran is a product of the Iranian people’s uprising, the sacrifice of its martyrs and the suffering of its captives. The world’s major governments had so far turned a blind eye to the brutal suppression of our people and executions of 120,000. Iran’s protesters and youths, however, have in their first step turned the page of the United


Aladdin Borujerdi, chairman of the Foreign Policy and National Security Commission of the Mullahs’ regime Majlis (parliament), is to attend the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament. Regarding the freedom lovers of the Iranian 

Monday, January 1, 2018

Maryam Rajavi: Uprisings of Iran Cities Are Death Knell for the Corrupt Dictatorship of Mullahs

Jubin Katiraie
December 29, 2017. Reuters reported Iranian police dispersed anti-government protesters in the western city of Kermanshah on Friday, the Fars semi-official news agency said, as protests spread to Tehran and apparently several other cities a day after rallies in the northeast.
The outbreak of regional unrest reflects growing discontent over rising prices and alleged corruption, as well as concern over the Islamic Republic’s costly involvement in regional conflicts such as Syria and Iraq.

Iran: Protesting women confront security forces

Women continue to have an active presence on the fourth day of the nationwide uprisings in Iran on Sunday, December 31, 2017. They brazenly stood up to the security forces and confronted them.
In the protest gathering in Rasht, northern Iran, women had a remarkable presence.
In the clips received from Isfahan and Shahreza(central Iran) and Kermanshah (western Iran), women are clearly heard chanting loudly against the regime. In some scenes, they led the protesters and directed the chants.

Iranian Exiles Contrast Trump Role in Protests to Obama's

Newsmax, Dec. 30, 2017 - The group considered the largest of Iranian exile organizations in the world hailed on Saturday President Trump's strong statement of support for the growing protests against the Islamic regime.
In so doing, Ali Safavi, an official with the Washington office of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, also reminded fellow Iranians that the Obama regime reacted quite differently during protests over disputed elections in 2009.
'When millions of Iranians poured onto the streets

Iran cuts social media access as unrest turns deadly

AFP, Dec. 31, 2017-- Iran cut access to social media on Sunday in a bid to head off further protests after days of unrest that saw two people killed and dozens arrested.
The interior minister warned protesters will 'pay the price' as footage on social media showed thousands marching across the country overnight in the biggest test for the Islamic republic since mass demonstrations in 2009.

Iran, Tehran; Demonstrators shout 'don't be afraid, we are all together

The uprsings in Iran continues with hundreds of residents of Tehran in Vali-Asl Blvd chant slogans in solidarity with their contrymen.

The beginning of the end for the corrupt tyrants in Iran

Dec. 31, 2017 - Struan Stevenson of the European Iraqi Freedom committee posted a message on his twitter account that '#Iranprotests ARE BEGINNING OF END FOR TYRANTS Corrupt Ayatollahs are right to identify #PMOI & @Maryam_Rajavi as main threat to their continued tyrannical rule #Europe @FedericaMog must demonstrate solidarity with 80 million #Iranians who want #RegimeChange #Iran Back #MEK

Trump earns praise for support of Iranian protesters

THE HILL, December 31, 2017-- President Trump on Sunday earned praise from lawmakers and former government officials for his approach to the protests taking place in Iran.
The Trump administration has taken a strong stance supporting peaceful demonstrators protesting

Iran 'tested by its own citizens': Haley

UNITED NATIONS, UNITED STATES, AFP, 31 December 2017  - Nikki Haley, the US ambassador to the United Nations , said Sunday Iran's government is 'being tested by its own citizens' after three days of protests against the clerical regime.
'We pray that freedom and human rights will carry the day,' she said in a statement.

More videos from Iran: 'Death to Khamenei' chanted in Isfahan, Shiraz, Qom, Rasht

By Shahriar Kia
American Tinker, December 31, 2017 - On its second day, the 'No to high prices' uprising spread across Iran.
In Isfahan, the protesters chanted, 'Death to Khamenei.'  In Rasht, the people rushed to the streets, chanting, 'Death to the dictator' and 'Death to Khamenei.'  They also chanted, 'Today is the mourning day; the rights of our nation are plundered by mullahs'; 'The mullahs: Shame on you; abandon the country'; and 'We die and will get

Iran protests turn violent with police intervention in various cities

Iranian authorities resorted to suppress Iran protest as peaceful rally spread across the country.
In Tehran, riot police surrounded Tehran University and did not allow students to enter or leave. Agents shot tear gas into the university. Videos show riot police dealing with Tehran University students.

Iranian protests give the world a chance to correct its mistakes

The ongoing nationwide protests in Iran had one main message to the world: The Iranian people are the international community’s main ally in restoring peace and stability in Iran and the neighboring region.

Farmers in East Isfahan protest against mismanagement of water

Farmers in Varzaneh, Shatur and Ziar, gathered to protest to the scarcity of water Reported by PMOI/MEK Iran, Nov. 2, 2018  - The...