Sunday, October 29, 2017
Saturday, October 28, 2017
Lawmakers to Haley: Keep Pushing for Tougher Iran Nuclear Inspections
The Weekly Standard, Oct 27, 2017, GOP lawmakers are urging the Trump administration to make good on President Barack Obama’s promise that, because of the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, inspectors “will have access where necessary, when necessary.”
President Donald Trump refused to certify a condition about the nuclear deal to Congress earlier in October, setting off a 60-day period during which lawmakers can reimpose heavy nuclear deal sanctions on Iran through a fast-track process. Trump warned that if Congress, administration officials, and European allies cannot fix the deal, he would withdraw from it.
UN Concern Over Increasing Executions in Iran
Asma Jahangir, the UN special rapporteur on the Iran rights situation, said on Thursday that no change has been made in Iran during the past year, expressing her frustration with the high number of executions, especially among teenagers as well as the harassment of minorities.
She added that achieving a progress on the level of women rights is quite slow, expressing concerns over curbing the freedom of speech.
She added that achieving a progress on the level of women rights is quite slow, expressing concerns over curbing the freedom of speech.
Asma Jahangir, UN Rights Rapporteur Condemns Harassment of Journalists in Iran
UN: A UN special rapporteur on human rights said on Thursday there had been little change in the situation in Iran over the past year, voicing deep outrage over the harassment of journalists and adding that progress on women’s rights was extremely slow.
A day after submitting her report to the world body, Asma Jahangir, the UN special rapporteur on the Iran rights situation, told reporters that torture was widespread in Iran and that some people were imprisoned for seeking justice.
Jahangir said she did not attempt to assess the impact of sanctions on human rights in Iran in her report because she had not been allowed to visit the country, which does not recognise her mandate.
House Votes To Impose New Sanctions On Iran
The House overwhelmingly voted to impose sanctions on Iran's ballistic missile program Thursday.
President Donald Trump announced he wouldn't recertify the Iran nuclear deal earlier this month. That gave Congress 60 days to decide if the U.S. would reimpose the economic sanctions on Iran that were lifted under the agreement.
U.S. House Votes To Sanction Suppliers To Iran's Ballistic-Missile Programs
WASHINGTON -- The U.S. House of Representatives, in a near-unanimous vote, approved legislation to impose new sanctions related to Iran's ballistic-missile program, an issue separate from the 2015 international nuclear deal with Tehran.
The bipartisan measure, which passed by a 423-2 vote, requires the U.S. administration to sanction Iran for undertaking "any activity related to ballistic missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons, including launches using such ballistic-missile technology."
U.S. Security Adviser Slams Iran's 'Malign, Destructive' Regional Influence
U.S. President Donald Trump’s top security adviser has told a television interview that the "malign, destructive" influence of Iran and its "proxies" must be removed from Iraq, Syria, and elsewhere in the Middle East.,_mobile,,_hq,.mp4.csmil/master.m3u8
"It’s very difficult to see how can there be an enduring peace if one side that has perpetuated and accelerated the violence is not removed," national security adviser H.R. McMaster told U.S.-funded Alhurra television in an interview broadcast on October 25.
House votes to impose non-nuclear sanctions on Iran
The House passed legislation on Thursday to expand sanctions on Iran for its ballistic missile development and support for Hezbollah, weeks after President Trump declined to certify that Tehran is complying with an international accord to curb its nuclear
We must challenge Iran’s human rights abuses
Nothing has been a more serious test of the West’s will than Iran’s escalating human rights violations and crackdowns on domestic dissent.
In the run-up to Iranian presidential elections in May, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) stepped up its arrests of dissidents, civil activists, independent journalists, and other threats to the country’s hard-liners.
We must challenge Iran’s human rights abuses
Nothing has been a more serious test of the West’s will than Iran’s escalating human rights violations and crackdowns on domestic dissent.
In the run-up to Iranian presidential elections in May, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) stepped up its arrests of dissidents, civil activists, independent journalists, and other threats to the country’s hard-liners.
The New US Iran Strategy; For or Against Our Interest?
Last Friday, President Trump announced the new US strategy towards Iran. Reaction to this strategy was diverse. Advocates of the appeasement policy condemned it, claiming it is in contrast with US interests. Some claimed with this strategy, people of Iran and the region will lose their trust in America. On the other hand, others believe the new strategy will mutually serve the interests of the US and Iranian people.
Being the main victims of the West’s appeasement policy, the
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Iran: Protest gathering of plundered investors in the city of Mashhad
Iran, Mashhad - On Tuesday, Oct. 24th, 2017, a large group of investors in the government backed Afzal-Toos financial institution gathered in front of the Ayandeh Bank main building in the northeastern city of Mashhad to protest the government corruption and demand their looted wealth and assets by the Revolutionary Gaurds (IRGC).
The protesters were chanting anti-regime slogans including 'the government must stop embezzlement to solve our problems' and 'the Ayandeh Bank is the center of thieves.'
The protesters were chanting anti-regime slogans including 'the government must stop embezzlement to solve our problems' and 'the Ayandeh Bank is the center of thieves.'
أحزاب إيران في العراق تعيد حساباتها بعد التقارب العراقي العربي
بغداد/عمان –
بدأت الأحزاب السياسية العراقية المرتبطة بإيران بالسعي لتغيير مواقفها العدائية من السعودية بعد انضمام الأردن إلى مسار التقارب العربي مع العراق، لكون قياداتها تمتلك مصالح وعلاقات كبيرة وطويلة الأمد في عمّان.
وفضلا عن هذه المصالح، فإن القيادات الحزبية العراقية تضع في اعتبارها أهمية الحياة السياسية العراقية الموازية الموجودة في الأردن، وهي حياة وازنة اعتبارا لعدد
وفضلا عن هذه المصالح، فإن القيادات الحزبية العراقية تضع في اعتبارها أهمية الحياة السياسية العراقية الموازية الموجودة في الأردن، وهي حياة وازنة اعتبارا لعدد
المقاومة الإيرانية: تدخلات «الحرس» المثيرة للحروب توجب طرده من المنطقة
لکاتب: نادر العنزي * (تبوك)
أصدرت لجنة الشؤون الخارجية للمجلس الوطني للمقاومة الإيرانية تقريرها اليوم (الإثنين) أكدت فيه الدور الذي لعبته قوات الحرس في الهجوم على كركوك ومدن مختلفة في كردستان العراق، الذي أدى إلى تشريد مجموعات كبيرة من أهالي المنطقة، الأمر الذي أظهر مرة أخرى الدور التدميري الذي تؤديه قوات الحرس في أزمات المنطقة.
العزم والحسم اساسيان في انهاء النفوذ الايراني
الدكتور سفيان عباس التكريتي
مما لا شك فيه ان النظام الايراني قد استغل سياسة الاسترضاء للرئيس الامريكي السابق اوباما واندفع بقوة لاحتلال اربع دول عربية بأسلوب خبيث وتدميرها بالكامل.
فأن احتضانه لتنظيم القاعدة الارهابي وتمويله وتدريبه لتنفيذ عملياته الاجرامية في الشرق الاوسط والساحة الدولية ظناً منه بأنه سوف ينأى بنفسه عن الشبهات وفي الوقت ذاته استطاع ان يشوه صورة الاسلام امام الرأي العام العالمي وخصوصا مذهب اهل السنة والجماعة.
فأن احتضانه لتنظيم القاعدة الارهابي وتمويله وتدريبه لتنفيذ عملياته الاجرامية في الشرق الاوسط والساحة الدولية ظناً منه بأنه سوف ينأى بنفسه عن الشبهات وفي الوقت ذاته استطاع ان يشوه صورة الاسلام امام الرأي العام العالمي وخصوصا مذهب اهل السنة والجماعة.
وعاد ليحتضن عصابات داعش الإرهابية بذات الطريقة من حيث الدعم والتمويل والتدريب والتوجيه لقد تمكن هذا التنظيم الارهابي من احتلال سوريا والعراق بتسهيل وتعاون من الحكومتين العراقية والسورية.
Terrorist commander is behind Iran's meddling in Iraq
Oct. 24 (UPI) -- The interference of the Iranian terrorist commander Qasem Soleimani in the internal affairs of Iraq has reached scandalous proportions that should sound alarm bells in the West.
It has emerged that the general, who commands the terrorist Quds Force, responsible for foreign operations by Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, orchestrated the reoccupation of the oil-rich city of Kirkuk and many other Kurdish regions in Northern Iraq.
Iran: Major protest staged by plundered women and men in Tehran
A large number of Iranians whose deposits have been plundered by state-backed credit institutions such as Caspian, Alborz-e Iranian (Arman) and Padideh gathered in front of the mullahs’ Parliament in Tehran (Majlis) to demand their stolen money. The call for this rally had been issued on the internet in advance.
Almost 2000 women and men took part in the rally and chanted among others, “fraud has been
Remembering Reyhaneh on the anniversary of her flight
October 25 marks the anniversary of the hanging execution of Reyhaneh Jabbari in 2014.
Reyhaneh Jabbari walked to the gallows at dawn on Saturday, October 25, 2014, after seven years of incarceration.
Since then, Reyhaneh stands as the symbol of Iran’s defenseless women who are handed the death penalty without deserving it. At the same time, she has become an icon for brave women who do not succumb to the Iranian regime and its demands.
By: Raymond Tanter and Ed Stafford
Bottom Line Up Front .As criticisms pile on President Trump, an Oct. 20 dialogue with former House of Representatives Speaker, Newt Gingrich, about the president’s Iran policy illuminates an ally who stands with the president in harsh times.
By: Struan Stevenson
Oct. 24 (UPI) -- The interference of the Iranian terrorist commander Qasem Soleimani in the internal affairs of Iraq has reached scandalous proportions that should sound alarm bells in the West.It has emerged that the general, who commands the terrorist Quds Force, responsible for foreign operations by Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, orchestrated the reoccupation of the oil-rich city of Kirkuk
Iran: Report on child marriages in Iran
According to a shocking report, in the first 9 months of the Persian year, 181,133 girls under the age of 19 got married, which accounts for 34 percent of the marriages (in Iran), according to the state-run Iran Online website on October 22, 2017.
According to the Deputy Head of the Women and Family Department at the Presidential Office, the province of Khorasan Razavi ranks first in terms of child marriage with 6,759 cases; these are children, whose games suddenly turn serious, while their dolls turn into real children.
According to the Deputy Head of the Women and Family Department at the Presidential Office, the province of Khorasan Razavi ranks first in terms of child marriage with 6,759 cases; these are children, whose games suddenly turn serious, while their dolls turn into real children.
Thursday, October 19, 2017
Iran: Women teachers stage protest in Soldouz and Kerman
Teachers have been protesting continuously over the past seven weeks in cities across Iran.
On Tuesday, October 17, 2017, a group of women, literacy teachers, staged a protest outside the governor’s office in Soldouz, West Azerbaijan Province, in northwest Iran. They demand to be officially employed by the Department of Education. They say, 25 relatives of government officials have been employed in their stead.
On Monday, October 16, 2017, a group of teachers and staff working for the Department of Education in Kerman, staged their second consecutive day of protest outside the Department of Education. They are protesting the process of their own employment, saying their positions do not correspond with their work experience.
Iran: Women of Dayyer protested frequent water cut-offs
Women of Dayyer staged a protest on Monday, October 16, 2017, at the Governor’s Office in this southern Iranian city of Boushehr Province against frequent water cut-offs in their town.
The women entered the governor’s office. The protesters said part of their town’s water has been diverted to a factory but officials have not solved the problem and just ordered rationing of water.
One of the women participating in the protest said, “The frequent water cut-offs have frustrated us. We do not know when we can wash the dishes or clothes. We have referred to the water company a number of times, but they have not undertaken any effective measures.”
Another protester said, “We do not have water in our village from morning till night.”
Belgian MP Nele Lijnen addresses situation of women in Iran
Following is the text of speech by the Hon. Nele Lijnen, member of the Parliament of Belgium, to a conference at the parliament on Human Rights in Iran.
Dear colleagues, Dear Friends,
I would like to focus on the situation of women in Iran. During the first 4 years of the presidency of Rouhani, at least 81 women were hanged. No other regime in the world has executed so many women.
After Raqa, what's next for the US military in Syria
WASHINGTON, AFP, 18 October 2017 - The Islamic State group's defeat in Raqa, their de facto Syrian capital, raises a thorny question for the US forces that have been training and arming the victorious local fighters: What comes next?
Forces comb ghost city Raqa after IS ouste
RAQA, SYRIA, AFP, 18 October 2017 - US-backed forces combed the ruins of Raqa for survivors and bombs Wednesday, after retaking the Syrian city from Islamic State group jihadists and dealing their dreams of statehood a fatal blow.
Are Iranian people aligned with US national interests?
Hamid Bahrami
Al Arabiya, 18 October 2017 - Following a week of the political roller coaster, doubts and strategic calculations, the US foreign policy team unveiled its new policy on Iran and measures to address the catastrophic nuclear deal, better known as the JCPOA.
During a 20-minute speech on 13 October, President Trump laid out the major points of this new policy, which includes the decertification of the JCPOA and designation of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) pursuant to the global terrorism Executive Order (E.O.) 13224.
Trump decertifying Iran could be sign of solidarity with Iranian people
The Trump administration has opted to not certify Iran’s compliance with the JCPOA, setting in motion the exit from the deal by the United States. The U.S. Congress now has 60 days to decide if they are going to reinstitute the sanctions on Iran or not. President Trump has indicated that he has a two-stage approach, either Congress will reinstitute the sanctions or he will act and remove the United States from the deal.
Are Iranian people aligned with US national interests?
Following a week of political roller coaster, doubts and strategic calculations, the US foreign policy team unveiled its new policy on Iran and measures to address the catastrophic nuclear deal, better known as the JCPOA.
During a 20-minute speech on 13 October, President Trump laid out the major points of this new policy, which include the decertification of the JCPOA and designation of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) pursuant to the global terrorism Executive Order (E.O.) 13224.
Italian Parliamentary Committee for Free Iran Welcomes Blacklisting IRGC
NCRI Staff
NCRI - The Italian Committee of Parliamentarians and Citizens for Free Iran in a statement welcomed the new U.S. policy towards the Iranian regime and the inclusion of the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) in the terrorist list.
The committee called for support for the struggle of Iranian people and Resistance to establish freedom and democracy in Iran.
UN rights experts urge Iran to halt imminent execution of juvenile Amirhossein Pourjafar
GENEVA (18 October 2017) – UN human rights experts* have made an urgent appeal to Iran to halt the execution of Amirhossein Pourjafar, who was 16 years of age when he was sentenced to death. The execution is scheduled to take place tomorrow.
“The Iranian authorities must immediately halt the execution of this juvenile offender and annul the death sentence against him in compliance with their international obligations,” the experts said.
Monday, October 16, 2017
US Defense Secretary James Mattis Says He Stands by Trump's Iran Strategy
London, 14 Oct - On Friday, Defense Secretary James Mattis said he supports President Trump's newly unveiled strategy regarding Iran, following the president's announcement of his decision not to certify Tehran's compliance with the The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), known commonly as the Iran nuclear deal, which is an international agreement reached in Vienna in 2015, between Iran and the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council—China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, United States—plus Germany, (the P5+1).
Iran: IRGC More Important Than Nuclear Deal
London, 15 Oct - United States President Donald Trump announced on Friday that a new strategy for dealing with Iran was being initiated. He refused to recertify Iran’s compliance with the nuclear deal which is no surprise because he has criticised it on a number of occasions. At the recent United Nations General Assembly, he said it was an “embarrassment” and described it as “one-sided”.
Iran: Women teachers live way below the poverty line
October 5, marks the World Teachers’ Day. It is a day to mobilize support for teachers and their rights.
Teachers have the greatest impact on the culture, spirit and thoughts of future generations. Therefore, their status bears tremendous importance for everyone especially the government. The situation of teachers in Iran, however, is just the opposite.
Vast protests, deplorable conditions of women nurses in Iran
The situation of nurses' employment and occupation in Iran merits attention.
According to the latest figures compiled on the number of protests taking place in Iran, an average of 20 protests take place in Iran every day. One of the sectors constantly staging protests
Stop execution of women in Iran
October 10, marks the World Day against the Death Penalty.
Death penalty violates the most fundamental human rights, the right to life and the right to freedom from torture and cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment.
Iran: A Kurdish woman set herself on fire in Saqqez
A 35-year-old married woman set herself on fire and died in the town of Saheb in Saqqez, Iranian Kurdistan. Formisk Ahmadzadeh committed suicide at home due to family problems.
Self-immolation is a common method of women’s suicide especially in Kurdish areas in Iran. This most painful form of suicide is said to be commonly practiced as an act of protest by women who find no legal or social support from the government regarding their basic human rights.
Iran: Five female prisoners on hunger strike in Orumiyeh Prison
Five women prisoners have been on hunger strike in Orumiyeh Prison, northwestern Iran, since October 11, 2017.
A number of guards in Orumiyeh Prison burst into the women’s ward on Wednesday, October 11, under the pretext of inspecting the ward, but searched the prisoners’ personal belongings.
They took away the personal blankets of some prisoners claiming that they were extra.
Five long-term prisoners Arasteh Ranjbar, Mohabbat Mahmoudi, Zeinab Sekanvand, Nazdar Vatankhah and Nosrat Alinejad went on hunger strike to protest the guards’ conduct.
The blankets had been provided by the prisoners’ families. In light of the beginning of the cold season in this cold region, the blankets were essential to them.
NCRI's Statements Iran: Thousands of plundered people rallied chanting "Death to this oppression", "Justice, Justice" and "Rouhani, Shame!"
On Sunday, October 15th, thousands of people whose property was looted by institutions affiliated with the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) and other repressive organs, rallied in the central streets of Tehran, and expressed their anger and disgust at the oppression of Iranian religious rule. Caspian, Padideh Shandiz and Alborz Iranian (Arman), Pardisban and other institutions have been established in recent years by the IRGC, the Judiciary and SSF (State Security Force) under the guise of cooperative enterprises and banks in a
Iran: Thousands demonstrate against government corruption and plundering (Video + Photos)
Iran, Oct. 15, 2017 - Eye witness and informed sources in the Iranian capital city, Tehran said according to a planned and in advance organized protest rally, plundered and looted shareholders of different government affiliated financial institutions gathered on Sunday, October 15, 2017 in front of the Judiciary building on Keshavarz Blvd. in Tehran and walked toward the department of Justice.
The protesters chanted anti-government slogans including:
The protesters chanted anti-government slogans including:
Hold Iran accountable for its abysmal human rights record
For all his claims of moderation, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has overseen a crackdown by Iranian security forces. The ranks of political prisoners have swollen since he took office. A shockingly broad range of
Friday, October 13, 2017
Iran : source d’instabilité au Moyen-Orient
MONDE I Le président Trump doit prendre une décision cette semaine sur la certification du respect par l’Iran des termes de l’accord sur le nucléaire (JCPOA) conclu en juillet 2015 avec les grandes puissances mondiales. Une loi l’oblige à dire au Congrès, tous les 90 jours, si l’Iran respecte le JCPOA.
Le Corps des Gardiens de la Révolution, principale cause de la guerre et du terrorisme dans la région
Les efforts des Pasdaran pour s’emparer de la route reliant l’Irak à la Syrie, qui lui donnera accès aux côtes orientales de la Méditerranée
La théocratie iranienne est en train d’élargir le champ de ses interventions criminelles et de la guerre civile pour s’emparer coûte que coûte de la route qui relie l’Irak à la Syrie et qui lui donnera accès aux côtes orientales de la Méditerranée.
La théocratie iranienne est en train d’élargir le champ de ses interventions criminelles et de la guerre civile pour s’emparer coûte que coûte de la route qui relie l’Irak à la Syrie et qui lui donnera accès aux côtes orientales de la Méditerranée.
نشاطات مريبة للحرس الثوري الايراني في المنطقة
نزار جاف من بون
يکثف نظام الجمهورية الاسلامية الايرانية من مساعيه من أجل إثارة الحروب و إستمرار تدخلاته في سوريا و يعتزم الوصول الى السواحل الشرقية للبحر الابيض المتوسط من خلال الاستيلاء على طريق بري يربط بين العراق و سوريا بأية طريقة ممکنة.
هذا ماورد في بيان صادر عن الامانة العامة للمجلس الوطني للمقاومة الايرانية و الذي رکز على نشاطات و تحرکات و مخططات الحرس الثوري في المنطقة، وأضاف البيان بأنه يبلغ"
من يقتل الشعب السوري؟!
عبد الرحمن مهابادي كاتب ومحلل سياسي
بعد مضي حوالي 7سنوات على الثورة في سوريا، لاتزال الاوضاع في سوريا على سابق حالها متمثلة في المواجهة بين الشعب و الدکتاتور الحاکم في بلادهموالذي لاشك فيه أنه لو لم يكن هاك من دعم النظام الإيراني غير المحدود لکان قد سقط الأسد خلال أشهر و إنتصر الشعب السوري. غير إن التدخل الايراني صار عاملا لقتل الشعب و إستمرار ذلك حتى اليوم و خلال ذلك فرض داعش وجوده.حسب الأنباء المنتشرة ارتكبت ميليشيات الأسد المجرمة يوم 26/سبتمبر-أيلول 2017 مجزرة جديدة في منطقة وادي العذيب شرق حماه، مما أدى إلى مقتل حوالي 100مواطن بينهم عدد من النساء والأطفال (قناة أورينت 26/سبتمبر-أيلول) .
Marzieh, the legendary Diva of Persian traditional music
Ashraf os-Sadat Mortezaie (March 22, 1924 – October 13, 2010), known professionally as Marzieh, was a Tehran-born singer of Persian traditional music. Known as the great diva of Persian traditional song, her voice represented the 60-year sufferings of a nation, and the strength of Iranian women against stoning and misogyny of the
Iran: 37,000 girl children of under 13 married in one year
Nahid Khodakarami, a Tehran City Council member, admitted in a tweet that 37,000 children under 13 years of age have been married over the past year in Iran.
“179 of these children were girls under 10 years of age,” she added.
Iran: Women protested river drying in Isfahan
A group of residents of Isfahan (central Iran) mostly women gathered across from the famous Khajou Bridge on Tuesday, October 11, 2017, to protest the drying of Zayandeh Roud river.
The gathering took place upon a prior call issued on the internet to pay tribute to the river.
The protesters demanded allocation of water to farms on the margins of Zayandeh Roud and called on the government to fulfill its promises in this regard.
Some foreign tourists held up placards and accompanied the protesters in this gathering.
The participants also protested unlawful digging of wells around the river which are believed to be the so-called economic activities of the Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC).
Certified or decertified, Iran faces tough road ahead+video
By Heshmat Alavi
Al Arabiya , 9 October 2017-- All eyes are on US President Donald Trump and his upcoming Iran speech later this week to clarify his decision to certify or decertify Tehran’s compliance with a nuclear agreement, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), designed to curb the regime’s controversial atomic drive.
Satellite photos reveal Iran’s SECRET nuke program as regime threatens to ‘CRUSH’ Trump
Daily Star- 10th October 2017- The report – seen by Daily Star Online – includes satellite photos showing a number of sites where it is alleged the Islamic Republic is developing weapons of mass destruction.
It was compiled by the National Council of Resistance of Iran ( NCRI ), which relies on the People’s Mojahedin Organisation of Iran (PMOI/MEK) inside Iran, as a network of sources.
It was compiled by the National Council of Resistance of Iran ( NCRI ), which relies on the People’s Mojahedin Organisation of Iran (PMOI/MEK) inside Iran, as a network of sources.
Trump to make announcement on fate of Iran nuclear deal Friday
ABC News, Oct 11, 2017 - White House national security adviser H.R. McMaster was on Capitol Hill Wednesday evening briefing top Republican lawmakers on the administration’s forthcoming announcement.
Rep. Mike McCaul, R-Texas, the chairman of the House Homeland Security
Rep. Mike McCaul, R-Texas, the chairman of the House Homeland Security
ANALYSIS: Unraveling the global tentacles of Hezbollah’s sleeper cells
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not reflect the viewpoint of Al Arabiya English.
The West has held itself back from confronting Iran for decades. One reason for this has to be the dread of an Iranian fightback, which would take the form of guerrilla warfare in a multitude
New intelligence report reveals plot of IRGC mercenaries in Syria
A report by the Paris-based Iranian opposition has revealed that Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards are amassing Afghan, Iraqi, Lebanese and Pakistani mercenaries in Syria to control a pivotal road between Iraq and Syria that reaches the eastern coast of the Mediterranean.
IRAN: IRGC plans to reach Mediterranean coast by capturing Iraqi-Syria ground passage
Revolutionary Guards are main cause of war and terror in region
The clerical regime has expanded its war mongering and criminal interventions in Syria and is seeking to reach the east coast of the Mediterranean by capturing Iraqi-Syria ground passage.
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نطق عزتمند و دلار قدرتمند! یک هفته از بازگشت روحانی از سفر آمریکا میگذرد، اما دعوا بر سر این سفر در درون رژیم همچنان ادامه دارد، دع...